ChrisNik. Inc. | 800-262-4992 |
ChrisNik's Featured Products!
New ChrisNik Stake Bag

* Innovative flagging dispensing pocket with leather pull tab, hook and loop closure and grommet for superior wear resistance.

* Two spray can pockets

*​​​ Two large multi-purpose pockets, hammer loop

* Made in the USA quality for exceptional durability​

Made from durable Hi-Viz Cordura Fabric

Reinforced Ballistic Nylon bottom with sewn in cut resistant liner for superior durability


ChrisNik Industrial Marker

* Aluminum marker body filled with exceptionally fast drying, UV and weather resistant, xylene-free ink.

* Durable felt chisel tip can mark in three widths (5, 3 and 1.5mm.)

* Easy to grip, anti-roll cap

Made in the USA​​​

Rod Desk

​The Rod Desk, attaches quickly to any rod or tripod and allows full flexibility to place the Rod Desk in a comfortable position. This clears your date collector and allows you to hold your plans at a glance or even hold a clipboard for more flexibility.

The Rod Desk features a double ball design that allows unlimited flexibility and positioning for ultimate comfort when writing in the field!​
ChrisNik carries Keson Measuring wheels along with the Keson Tapes.

All Keson measuring tools are built to last. When it comes to your tools, you know their capability & their limitations. Your tools need to work. Period.​

Ask your local Dealer about these great products!